1 Month Pregnant – Signs & Symptoms. What to expect?

It’s not important if it has been unexpected or happened in accordance with your desire, but now there is a tiny living being in your tummy and in nine months it will turn into a lovely newborn baby. And you will love her, for sure!

The Initiation of Life

The first month of pregnancy starts from the moment when an ovum (an egg) and a sperm meet in the uterine tube. During the first week after the conception, the cells in the ovum start to divide, and at the same time the egg moves to the uterine cavity. By the beginning of the second week (usually on the eighth day after the conception) it gets to the uterus and fastens onto its wall. Then it begins to grow.
The inner membrane of the uterus resembles the surface of the moon, where small bumps are scattered around. They are just like little beacons, sending chemical signals to the embryo: “hang on to us”.

And here comes the most important moment – fastening onto the uterus and formation of the placenta. As soon as it happens, blood vessels grow from the embryo into the mucous membrane of the uterus and start the active exchange of nutrient substances and oxygen. Now your body performs fine work – the creation of a new human being. By this time, the engorgement may begin because of intensive hormonal reorganization.

At the moment of implantation of the fetus expectant mother can face leaps in her mood because of sudden hormonal changes. From the fourth week, the concentration of progesterone is especially high. Due to this fact, a protective mucous plug is formed in the cervix of the uterus to close the entrance into the uterus until the end of pregnancy.

Since that moment, the nervous anxiety of the mother is considerably decreased and that means the emotional condition is gradually coming back to normal. Being 1 month pregnant is a new challenge of the coming new life.

1 Month Pregnant: Useful Tips

In the first month of pregnancy, an expectant mother needs a lot of rest. But this doesn’t mean that the future mother should be staying in bed all day long: excessive rest only intensifies the weakness. From now on your food, rest and way of living should become proper and as healthy as possible.

Keep to a well-balanced diet, air the room where you sleep, avoid noisy places. Do exercise if you feel well. Go walking and, certainly, enjoy your life.

  • In order to cope with morning sickness, add the food rich in proteins and carbohydrates to your diet.
  • Drink a sufficient amount of water: milkshakes, fruit and vegetable juice, soups or broths. Your diet should be rich in fresh fruit and vegetables, which also contain a lot of water.
  • As far as possible eat a dry toast, a cracker or a banana in the morning while you’re still in bed. Eat small portions of food often during the day.
  • Avoid smoking areas and, of course, don’t smoke.
  • Try not to be nervous. Fill your life with joy and positive moments. Make the list of pleasant events for a week and do them.

You Should Consult a Doctor:

  • If you feel severe pain in the abdomen from one or both sides; with the pain accompanied by the excreta containing some blood as well as sickness or vomit.
  • With minor or strongly pronounced discharge, with or without a smell.
  • With painful urination.
  • With general weakness, dizziness or fainting.
  • With high body temperature.
  • With strongly pronounced nausea with vomiting (more than 5 times per day).

Development of the Fetus in the First Month of Pregnancy

The fertilized egg forms an embryo. The little thing enters the uterus in 3 days after conception. Approximately in a week, it fastens onto the uterine cavity and remains there for the whole term of pregnancy. In the second week, the fetus begins to live on the mother’s resources because the supply of nutrients in the ovule has already been completely used. The formation of the umbilical cord and placenta begins. The chord (the rudiment of the spinal column) is set.

In the third week, various tissues distinguish; the foundation of organs begins. The heart is formed, it has the simple single-stage heart so far (but by the end of the second month it will obtain the same structure as an adult’s heart).

The neural system, which began to develop in the middle of the second week, is continuing to form into the spinal cord and the brain.

In the fourth week, eye-sockets are formed, the arms and legs begin their development; the rudiments of almost all the internal organs are finished. The size of the fetus by the end of the 1st month can be compared to a rice grain – about 4 mm.

Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy

  • Absence of menstruation (though sometimes spotting appear in time of the next period or by the time of implantation of the egg)
  • Weakness and sleepiness
  • Frequent urinations
  • Nausea, which can be accompanied by vomiting and increased salivation
  • Intolerance of some kinds of food and, to the contrary, inexplicable urge towards the other
  • The feeling of heaviness in breasts
  • Intensification of discharge from the vagina.

1 Month Pregnant Belly Pictures

Check out what the bellies look like in the first month of pregnancy.

1 month pregnant woman with baby shoe at the belly

1 Month Pregnant Ultrasound

2 weeks of pregnancy after conception or 4 weeks of gestational age due to ultrasound in the womb we can see a fetal egg with a diameter of about 3-4 mm.
