32 Weeks Pregnant: Eat, Sleep, Love

It is getting much harder for you to walk. Your baby becomes more tangible and active. You can count week to delivery on fingers. A mother visits a gynecologist every two weeks. If you notice that you have started gaining weight fast, it is already possible to stop the consumption of carbohydrates and milk.

Your baby is as big – As a jicama


LENGTH- 16.34 in – WEIGHT- 3.35 lb


You are 32 weeks pregnant- your baby is constantly growing, causing some discomfort. The navel is stretching, and the dark line on the stomach becomes even darker. This is not a reason to be upset – everything will be normalized after birth. The uterus is 12 cm away from the navel and 32 cm from the pubic symphysis. Your growing belly gives a lot of inconveniences, especially when your child suddenly decides to stay under the ribs. It may even be painful. Try to control your posture, try to keep as straight as possible.

During this period of pregnancy, there may be cases of fluid retention in the body that triggers swelling of veins and swollen ankles and fingers. It is better to forget about the existence of tight clothes and jewelry for some time.

Uterine contractions are becoming more frequent.

32 Weeks Pregnancy Ultrasound

Usually, it is time for the third routine ultrasound, which helps the doctor to assess the state of the internal organs of the child, his position. He also determines whether there is umbilical cord entanglement (nuchal cord).

During this period, you can see in detail the child’s size, to establish whether it corresponds to your gestational age, the degree of maturity of the placenta, the state of the amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios must be determined in advance), cervical condition.

That is, your doctor will know all the comprehensive and necessary information for the delivery.


Baby’s Weight

You are already 32 weeks pregnant – the weight of your baby is constantly increasing. For the previous month, he has gained about 900 grams. At this stage, the height and weight of a baby become individual and starts to develop depending on heredity (the height and weight of his parents and other parameters).

At this stage the immune system starts the formation, a baby receives immunoglobulin, and the body begins to produce antibodies that can protect your baby in the first months after birth.

The bones of your baby continue to grow and become heavier. Adipose tissue accumulates throughout the body, but it is particularly noticeable on the face. Wrinkles are smoothed, and the face becomes cute.

Baby’s Reaction

Your baby hears the surrounding sounds perfectly. He has become accustomed to many of them: the noise of blood in the mother’s blood vessels, her heartbeat, breathing, voice have long become a background of his existence. He is able to recognize his father’s voice, familiar household noises. That is why, being 32 – 33 weeks pregnant, it is important to pay particular attention to your kid: talk to him, sing the nursery rhymes, tell him that he is the most beautiful, healthy, and beloved creature in the world! When a baby is born, he immediately recognizes the voices of his mom and dad.

The nervous system continues to develop, and now, when light enters the baby’s eyes, his pupils constrict.

During this period your kid is quite active, sometimes you can even feel how he turns and flips. However, the space around the baby is getting too straight, and soon he will take a head-down position – it is the most convenient and proper position to be born without a delay and complications.

Baby’s Movements

Your kid continues kicking, shoving, and tapping. If you are 32 weeks pregnant – you may move in different ways: sometimes mothers can be scared with a sudden calm or, on the contrary, a wince. You should understand that your baby is already old enough and clearly hears every noise outside, determines whether it is day or night, and feels uncomfortable when his mother takes an uncomfortable position.

32 Weeks Pregnant Belly Pictures

Check out what the bellies look like at the thirty-second week of pregnancy.


Each mummy, expecting the birth of her own child, must clearly understand all the responsibility for the future life. Therefore, she should promptly see a doctor and learn all the details of her current pregnancy. It is also advisable to read about the possible problems, so to protect yourself in the future. Sometimes polyhydramnios may develop in women who are 32 weeks pregnant. This state is considered to be a pathology. Polyhydramnios is a quite rare case; there are only 2% according to the statistics. The most common reason for that is certain chronic diseases in women.

But do not panic! Special difficulties can be avoided if you contact your gynecologist in time. The doctor will take action, and the problem will disappear.


You are 32 weeks pregnant- so many months have passed! It is time to think about childbirth: how and where it will occur. Usually, 32 weeks pregnant moms imbibe knowledge about hospitalization: how it will happen, what to take with them, who should accompany them.

If the pregnancy was normal, you may go to the hospital some days before the day of childbirth. But there are other variants. You may be hospitalized two weeks before the day of childbirth if your doctor considers it to be necessary.

The most important things that you need to take to the hospital are all the necessary papers, toiletries. Other things depend on the conditions of the hospital where you are going to give birth. It is better to negotiate all the nuances in advance.

Singing and Talking

If you are a businesswoman and you are not going to leave the job, then it is time to do it now. You need to save energy before delivery.

These last precious weeks of pregnancy have to be dedicated to yourself and your baby: talk to him, sing him songs. You will be able to morally prepare yourself for delivery faster in a calm atmosphere without any tension.