Labor can happen not even on any day but at any hour. They may start at any time. Do not rely on your calculations: nature decides when it should happen.
Your baby is as big – As a honeydew

LENGTH – 20.31 in – WEIGHT- 7.78 lb
At last, you ceased to grow in size and have gained your extra 12-16 kg, this weight will remain until delivery. The uterus has reached its peak and is located at a distance of 36-40 cm from the pubic symphysis and 16-20 cm away from the navel.
The skin on the abdomen is stretched so much that you occasionally get a feeling of itching. At 40 weeks you lose the mucus plug, contractions come.
At 40 weeks there are two causes for concern:
- Why is the baby not born yet?
- What to do if he decides to be born?
Calm down. Your child will be born when he will be physiologically and psychologically ready for it.
Your child takes the entire space of the uterus, his movements slow down, there is not enough place for his activity.
During her stay in the womb, your baby got tired of the darkness and in recent weeks, also of tightness. Now she has slightly bulging breasts due to the high amounts of estrogen, in a few weeks after birth, everything will return to normal. For the same reason, there may be vaginal discharge in newborn girls. Meconium, accumulated in the intestine of unborn babies, is sterile, but immediately after birth, the intestine is inhabited by a variety of microorganisms.

40 Weeks Pregnancy Ultrasound
At 40 weeks of pregnancy, Ultrasound is rarely assigned and only in case of indications. You should check the schedule of the ultrasounds with your doctor.
A Newborn
A newborn can surprise her parents with anything: the date of her birth, which usually does not coincide with your expectations. Secondly, with her appearance.
Newborn babies look strange: the head may have an irregular shape (but it is corrected in 1-2 days); the skin may have an unnatural color – from gray-blue to brown and even yellow. At the same time, the child’s skin is still covered with vernix, your blood, or meconium.
In addition, there may be dark spots or sores on the body of a newborn, but they will eventually disappear without a trace.
The First Cry
Every newborn is obliged to shout, announcing their own appearance. From the first cry, she makes her first breath, straightens her lungs, and starts to breathe.
In case a baby does not cry, she gets stimulated with body massage, suction, or gentle slapping on the butt.
40 Weeks Pregnant Belly Pictures
Check out what the bellies look like at the fortieth week of pregnancy.
The Second Birth
So, you are 40 weeks pregnant- the second birth will definitely be different from that first one. Every gynecologist will tell you about it. But nobody can tell you how long they will last. Disclosure of the cervix during the second delivery is much faster because the body has already “passed” through it. Therefore, contractions are shorter than they were during the first delivery.
Signs of Labor
According to statistics, the majority of women give birth during this period. The gestational age is big and your baby is about to be born. Therefore, if during this period the belly hardens, there is a frequent and recurrent pain, similar to cramping, the belly has dropped – all these may be signs of labor.
It’s Important!
Waiting for the onset of labor, try to stay cool. Do not get irritated over trifles. Try to stay in a good mood. During labor use the techniques of relaxation and proper breathing. Your body has been preparing for this moment for a long time. And now this moment has come. When real contractions come, act in accordance with the prepared plan without haste and panic.
You did a great job! You have gone through this difficult path! Your reward – is your child! Congratulations!

Born in Belarus, 1985, a pedagogue and family psychologist, mother. Taking part in procedures of social adaptation of the foster children in new families. Since 2015 is a chief editor of the project, selecting the best and up-to-date material for those, who are planning, expecting, and already having babies.