Of course, every day is very important and unusual for future mothers, and the 6th week of pregnancy – is interesting and remarkable for its changes in a woman’s body.
Doctors are used to counting pregnancy by weeks – for them, pregnancy consists of 42 obstetric weeks. Mommies eagerly count every day – friends ask how many months out of 9 you are pregnant.
Having learned about her pregnancy, a woman is truly happy. That miracle inside is developing each week and rebuilds the body of the mother. There are new, previously unknown feelings. Secreted hormones sometimes cause good or bad moods. Your little baby is growing by the hour.
LENGTH – 0.09 in – WEIGHT – 0.007 oz
Many young mothers still confuse fetal gestation with obstetric gestation. Although an obstetric calendar is different in that it starts counting from the first day of the LMP. If everything goes well a pregnancy starts during this menstrual cycle.
The 6th week of an obstetric pregnancy – is the 4th week from conception, and it begins with a tiny heart beating, which cannot be heard with a stethoscope but is already possible to be seen a pulsating point of the embryo on an ultrasound. It beats 150 times/minute – two times faster than an adult human heart. The mother’s body is undergoing significant changes, because of hormones.
Hormonal Changes in the Mother’s Body
They happen every day. Progesterone, which is necessary for the body’s defense against various infections, is actively produced. It strengthens the mucous membranes of the uterine wall, providing an increased blood flow to the fetus. But at the same time, its excess has a negative effect on the digestive system, slowing digestion and causing nausea or vomiting, which are called – toxemia.
6 Weeks Pregnant: Signs And Symptoms
Often this week is accompanied by some unpleasant symptoms. Some of them may worry you, for example, brown slight discharge. But if it is slight and there is no periodic abdominal pain, then do not worry, it’s a natural reaction to your changing hormonal background.
So, being 6 weeks pregnant you may have the following symptoms:
- Increased salivation
- Fatigue
- Frequent urination
- Mood swings
- Vomiting in the morning
- In some cases, abdominal pain
- Muscle flaccidity
- Weighting of mammary glands
Not every future mother can observe these or that symptoms, being 6 weeks pregnant. Almost one-third of future moms do not notice any changes in the body during this period.
Besides missed periods, you can observe increased breasts, and consequently, it causes slight pain and darkening of the areola. Unpleasant feelings can appear at the bottom of the abdomen, which is associated with the ongoing changes in the uterus.
Hormones cause new feelings. A woman is particularly sensitive to smells, some of which can cause toxemia or even irritation. The sixth week of pregnancy can be characterized by unpredictable cravings for food. At certain moments there are weakness and dizziness, increased body temperature. Such changes in the hormonal background spontaneously disappear closer to the 10-14 weeks.
6 Weeks Pregnancy Ultrasound
At the 6th week of pregnancy, an ultrasound can confirm pregnancy in all women, the uterus is enlarged, the heartbeat is well heard and seen, the size of a fetus is approximately 4 mm and the fertilized egg is up to 25 mm.
Fetus on the Sixth Week of Pregnancy
At the 6th week of pregnancy, an embryo is as big as a pea, but the child’s nervous system already begins to be formed: neural connections and nerve endings, the brain. The rudiments of the hands and feet. By the end of the week, the rudiments of the fingers begin to be formed.
The face acquires certain features, pits appear in the eyes’ place, and there are visible wrinkles in the areas of the nose and ears. Along with the development of the nervous system, there is the development of the muscle tissue, so an embryo becomes sensitive – it responds to external stimuli.
Blood circulation starts. From the rudiments of the tissue, the future organs are taking shape – lungs, spleen, the rudiments of the marrow and cartilage can be seen. The formation of the intestine becomes noticeable, it already has three loops. There are the rudiments of the esophagus and the stomach expansion.
6 Weeks Pregnant Belly Pictures
Check out what the bellies look like at the sixth week of pregnancy.
What to be Afraid of?
Women must pay special attention to unusual discharge, being 6 weeks pregnant, and speak about it with a gynecologist. Colds, fever, accidental falls, hot tubs can become a threat to your pregnancy.
During this period, it is preferred to eat small portions. Food must consist of proteins and vitamins, seafood, and dairy products. Do not suppress your strange desires, they may occur because of the lack of some important components in your body.
Sex is acceptable this week if there is no threat of miscarriage.
Regularly visit your gynecologist, it will help to cope with some problems.
Born in Belarus, 1985, a pedagogue and family psychologist, mother. Taking part in procedures of social adaptation of the foster children in new families. Since 2015 is a chief editor of the motherhow.com project, selecting the best and up-to-date material for those, who are planning, expecting, and already having babies.