Bathing a child is an extremely responsible procedure, especially when it comes to newborns and infants. Indeed, parents, on the one hand, need to make their babies clean. And on the other hand, carry out such a procedure as comfortably as possible for the child, so that bathing does not mean stress and crying for the baby. In many ways, therefore, the choice of a baby bath needs to be taken seriously.
Do You Need a Baby Bath?
For some mothers and fathers, the question of purchasing a separate bath for their baby is, in principle, not worth it. They believe that you can bathe a child in a regular bath. Of course, there is nothing wrong with that. If you want, this is enough. But such parents should evaluate several very important factors:
- It is more difficult to maintain a large bath in perfect cleanliness – and the skin of infants is very sensitive, both microorganisms and cleaning products can cause a sharp allergy
- It is recommended to bathe newborns in boiled water, often with the addition of a solution of certain herbs (chamomile, etc) for the speedy healing of the umbilical cord – filling a small bath with such a composition is obviously easier than a large one
- Those very useful additives in water can stain the enamel. Therefore, the risk of damaging the stationary bath also needs to be taken into account. The bath itself scares many kids. For them, this is too spacious place with very high sides and loud water
- A baby bath is more convenient than a big one. Taking into account the peculiarities of the baby’s anatomy and the bathing process, it will be much more comfortable to wash the baby
- And, of course, you can’t do without a bath if … in principle, there is no bath in your house. After all, washing a child in a shower is not hygienic and uncomfortable
Pros of a Baby Bath
- Hygiene
- Convenience
- Mobility
- In some cases, psychological comfort
- The size
- Financial investments
- Requires storage space
The Requirements for Baby Bathes
So, the requirements that must be presented in the baby bath are the following:
- First of all, the baby bath model must be safe. The bottom should not slide much, and best of all, if it is covered with a special layer of anti-slip spraying. It would be great if a baby bath is equipped with a temperature sensor, laid on the bottom
- The bath should be washed easily and quickly in order to comply with the rules of hygiene
- The size should fit for at least 6 months, but at the same time it would be nice if the baby bath can fit in the large one
- The bottom should be comfortable and strong, and also there should be additional fastenings for fixing inside the large bathtub
- If possible, then when choosing you can take into account several additional criteria
- Special inserts made of thermoplastic can change the color if the temperature of the water is not suitable for bathing the baby. The built-in thermometer performs the same function
- The bath can be equipped with a drain hole, which will allow parents to abandon unnecessary loads when turning the bath every day in an attempt to drain the water from it. But the drain should be made so that the baby in no case can be injured
- A baby bath can also be equipped with scales. This can also become a great advantage

What are the Nuances to Consider?
In addition to the type of baby bath and the size corresponding to the height and weight of the baby (with a margin of several months), you need to pay attention to a number of details, without which the purchase may not be entirely suitable for you. Among them are the following:
Quality Certificates
Choose products of serious companies and ask the seller for documents of compliance with international and domestic standards that confirm the absence of harmful and toxic materials or dyes in the baby bath;
Antibacterial Coating
The plastic at the production stage can be treated with special components, which guarantees safe disposal of 99% of microbes and bacteria during the entire life of the baby bath;
Anti-Slip Inserts
So that the child does not slip in the bathtub and does not move into the water, various solutions can be used – corrugation of the sides, rubber inserts on the bottom (including removable ones on the suction cups), etc.;
Reliable Supports
The bathtub for the baby should be stable. Therefore, evaluate its legs or folding supports before buying. It is desirable that they are large, solid, and have anti-slip rubber elements;
Bath Mounts
For a baby bath, you can purchase a design that allows you to install it on the “adult” side. Thus, you don’t have to bend to bathe the child. Just make sure that these mounts fit the size of the bath or have width adjustments;
A whole bath, of course, is cheaper than that with a stopper, but also less convenient. Especially when you need to change or refresh the water directly during bathing. Pay attention to the stopper being invisible and securely fixed so that the child cannot pull it out;
Their list is wide, from thermometers and sponges with mittens to inflatable toys and towel holders – you need to decide what is needed. Often everything you need comes with a bathtub, which allows you to get all the accessories in the same style, and even save some money;
And finally, one more tip: do not leave your child alone in the bathtub even for a few minutes (for example, to answer a phone call, etc.). Bathing should always be supervised by adults!
How to Take Care of the Baby Bath?
First of all, it can be used only for its intended purpose. Do not wash and store clothes in it. Because all the chemical compounds that are part of the detergent are absorbed into the plastic and can cause rashes on the baby’s skin.
After the bathing procedure is completed, the product must be washed and hung so that the plastic can dry well from all sides. Insufficient drying provokes the accumulation of various pathogens and fungi on the walls of the baby bath.
It is strictly forbidden to wash it with chemicals. It is best to rinse the bath with the same shampoo that you use to wash the baby. Keep the bathtubs only upside down to prevent dust and pollution from the environment. Immediately before bathing, wash the baby bath again with hot water.
Pediatricians recommend bathing the newborn only in special baby baths. Because for a child at this age, hygiene is very important, which is simply impossible to maintain in the conditions of large baths that the whole family uses.
Based on all the above facts and factors, it can be concluded that any option chosen should be convenient, functional, and comfortable for both the child and the parents. Bathing should give the baby joy, and be a wonderful time for close and positive communication with family.

Born in Belarus, 1985, a pedagogue and family psychologist, mother. Taking part in procedures of social adaptation of the foster children in new families. Since 2015 is a chief editor of the project, selecting the best and up-to-date material for those, who are planning, expecting, and already having babies.