The 24th week of pregnancy – is a time of new experiences for moms. Your kid is increasingly gaining weight, and you feel it. His pushes became more and more tangible, more and more you get used to these pleasant signals.
But in such a wonderful time future mothers may suffer from heaviness in the legs, discomfort in the stomach and bladder. Your careful attitude to yourself will help alleviate these inevitable “side effects” of pregnancy.
Your baby is as big – As a CORN
LENGTH – 11.49 in – WEIGHT – 1.13 lb
24 Weeks Pregnant: Signs and Symptoms
At this time, some women are prone to anxiety and even panic attacks about their changing appearance. This is especially true for those women who are pregnant for the first time, who are accustomed to their elegant, slender shapes. There is a piece of advice: love your new state. And it will allow you to be beautiful, take photos of yourself more often and you will see how unusual and cute you look.
The main thing – try not to eat comfort food, if it’s junk food mainly. It is not so easy, since your body demands the nutrients now and junk food is the fastest source of calories. But the wrong dieting may lead to severe problems later.
300-500 grams – this is the approximate weight pregnant women gain in a week, being 24 weeks pregnant. Do not exceed this limit! It is very good to get you the bathroom scales, and you can control the situation. An Intensive weight gain may lead to some complications of pregnancy and childbirth.
At this stage, you may suffer from excessive sweating. But it is not necessary to start using deodorants, which include a large number of artificial substances and additives. It is advisable to use cosmetics for pregnant women: they do not contain alcohol, parabens, and silicones.
Your hair, nails, and skin do not give you any reason for concern. A pregnant woman is pretty, has nice shapes, and irradiates happiness. And if you want it to go on, walk more and eat less.
What is Happening Inside of You?
Your body adapts to all needs of your baby. Now the main thing is that your baby feels comfortable in the mother’s womb. Therefore, a woman may have not the most pleasant feelings. For example, back pain and lower back pain. Your belly is growing, and the center of gravity changes. Such changes are not terrible for those mothers who did sports before pregnancy. They may experience no pain at all. Similarly, those moms who practice fitness for pregnant women will have no discomfort.
It’s time to start wearing a bandage. In spite of the fact that it’s good for your back, this device will prevent stretch marks. Comfortable shoes can help to relax your legs, which are already experiencing a heavy load.
At this stage, many moms-to-be complain of heartburn. Indeed, heartburn may occur due to the displacement of the internal organs. To avoid it, try to eat small portions.
24 Weeks Pregnancy Ultrasound
If there are no special indications women just take a complete blood count (CBC) and urinalyses. The blood will be tested for blood sugar levels to prevent the development of diabetes during pregnancy.
An ultrasound is assigned if there are special indications: if a pregnancy goes with complications or there is a possibility of some fetal abnormalities in the baby.
Fetus on the Twenty-Fourth Week of Pregnancy
All organs and systems of your baby are completing the formation. The time for their development and improvement has come. The reflexes and sensory organs of your baby are developing more actively. Your baby already knows so much: how to respond to light, to feel the taste of the amniotic fluid, to distinguish the mother’s mood.
From 16 to 20 p.m. your little baby sleeps, and his regime does not have to coincide with the mothers. Despite the fact that his body is very slender, with no fat, his movements may be quite sudden. These movements give you a hint at what your baby is up right now. Your kid may be very active at night, but a mom may already “lull” her baby.
The womb is becoming tighter for your baby, so you will feel more clearly his pushes and movements. Pay attention to them: sometimes your child alerts you: “I do not like the pose you’ve chosen”, or “you are talking too loud, mother, I feel your anxiety.”
24 Weeks Pregnant Belly Pictures
Check out what the bellies look like at the twenty-fourth week of pregnancy.
Weight Gain: Nothing New
At this stage, your diet is not radically different from the diet of the previous weeks. Cereals, steamed vegetables, dairy products, dietary meat, fruit salads – all this is preferable at this stage of pregnancy.
Fried and smoked food, sweet and flour products are the accomplices of excess weight. Every concession to your desires will lead to a long fight for the ideal shape after childbirth
Born in Belarus, 1985, a pedagogue and family psychologist, mother. Taking part in procedures of social adaptation of the foster children in new families. Since 2015 is a chief editor of the project, selecting the best and up-to-date material for those, who are planning, expecting, and already having babies.