How Social Workers can Aid Parents and Help them Cope with the Challenges of Parenthood


Social workers possess a profound understanding of family dynamics which allows them to provide individualized assistance to parents facing an array of obstacles. From guiding parents through addiction treatment to offering solace and guidance amidst chronic illnesses, social workers are pillars of strength for the community. They also ensure children’s well-being through child support services. … Read more

The Role of a Father – What is the Father For?


Where do the children come from? An eternal question. Everybody seems to know how to answer it but doesn’t know how to answer it clearly. However, the answer, in general, consists of two parts. The first – is simple: mother, her stomach, and possible ways to get out of this stomach. The second part – … Read more

Open Adoption – No Secrets In The Adoptive Family


Open adoption – is an option of adopting a baby, leaving the possibility for the biological parents to participate in the life of the adopted baby to a certain degree or have access to the information about the adoptive family, related to the adopted baby. No one is indifferent to the topic of adoption and adoptive families. … Read more

Haptic Communication and its Vital Meaning in a Family


Haptic (from the Greek hapto -. Touch, grab) – sensing system that includes all types of skin reception. Thus, haptic communication – is expressing your thoughts and attitude by means of a touch of various types. Researches Confirm the Benefits of the Touch It’s interesting: the multiple studies confirm the importance of physical contact: it turns … Read more

Getting Maternity News on Social Media


Being a mother is tough going. There is so much to remember to do that it can be seriously daunting at times. It seems like everyone knows what to do and will tell you as much but, at the same time, you need to find a way of being a mother that suits you best. … Read more

How to Love Your Child? Inspired by Ross Campbell


How to raise your child as a loved child? Not the archaic meaning of the “love child”, but the child, who is loved, surrounded by love, and knows how to love. This can be achieved by just expressing your love to a child the way your child can take it. You just have to know the … Read more

Child Adoption – Conscious Option of Parenting


Child Adoption is a way of upbringing in a family of children deprived of parental care. At adopting, legal (personal and property) relations that exist between parents and children are established between the adoptee and the adopter. Have you ever thought of child adoption as an option to have children at all? I hear people say – … Read more

Children’s Aggression: How to Cope with such Behavior?


«Anyone can become angry – it’s easy. But to get angry as much as needed and for the reason that is necessary – this isn’t given to everyone» Aristotle Note, we do not use the word “aggression” in its true meaning. We say: the aggressor – one who is attacking, aggressive – means wicked, angry. … Read more

37 Pieces of Advice That May Help You to Be a Good Father


Gregory Oster is a Russian writer, most famous for his unique humorous genre and alternative view of parenting. In his most famous book “Bad advice” he denounces all the wrong behavior of the parents at bringing up their children, expressing his pieces of advice in the form of the blank verse, advising people, how to do wrong in a joking … Read more

Fatherhood as the Quality of a Real Man


Fatherhood is the highest level of man’s personal development. There is a large difference in the manifestation of parental feelings in animals and humans. If, for example, a cat or a dog is born a cub, they immediately will lick, caress and warm it. Animals do it instinctively. And human parental feelings are not formed this way. … Read more