If you are a woman, then you know this thing for sure- love it or hate it, your menstrual cycle dominates a big portion of your life (and moods). So be it periods, fertility, or pregnancy, each month will be a new cycle and a whole new story. But what happens when those menstrual cycles stop and you hit the decade-long menopause stage? Those who witness it don’t enjoy it one bit, after all, menopause brings many unwanted symptoms along with it.
While most of the symptoms will require you to seek treatment from a doctor, hot flashes and night sweats are something that won’t go away easy, even with medical assistance! In fact, these episodes will get even worse when it’s time for bed. In order to save your nights from sleeplessness and to overcome these sweaty episodes, here are a few things that you must try:
Investing In Electric Cooling Pad
While the box fans and Air-conditioners are sure to keep you cool normally, when it’s menopause time, these won’t seem to help you. You will need some extra help in order to sleep well, especially if your menopause starts during the summer season. Sleeping with electric cooling pads can help regulate the temperature of your bed and your body, as you sleep during the night and therefore can eliminate the possibility of a night sweat episode greatly. This unbiased full review will help you understand the working and other benefits of these cooling pads better.

Keeping it Simple and Light
With menopause, the trick is to keep it simple and loose. So, dressing up the entire day in clothes that fit you or skin-hugging dresses that seem to suffocate you is a big no-no. This also means that when it’s time to sleep, you don’t need to slip in those silk pajamas or flannel shirts or bring out those thick duvets or satin sheets. Light-weighted cotton and breathable materials for both your clothing and bedding will help you stay cool and comfortable. Also, avoid over-layering yourself with clothes or over-layering your bedding- it won’t do any good to you.
A Good Diet for a Good Night
Whatever you eat throughout the day, will impact the severity of your hot flashes. Processed, spicy, and big-portioned meals are to be avoided at all costs- especially if you don’t want to wake up in the middle of the night sweating frantically. Hence, once your menopause starts, you need to re-evaluate your diet plans. Organic meals with portions of vegetables and fruits are what you should go for as they will not only give you the necessary nutrients that your body requires, but they will keep your hormones from fluctuating more. Aim to eat at least 5 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruits daily and you will see a visible difference in the menopause symptoms.

Understanding Triggers and Overcoming them
There will be a few things that would trigger instant sweat spells and in order to deal with night sweats and overall hot flashes, you will need to identify those triggers and eliminate them completely or decrease their frequency. The most common triggers include alcohol, caffeine, fatigue, stress, and lack of exercise. Therefore, to be more comfortable, make sure that none of these triggers are included in by you, before bedtime. All such activities that can potentially trigger an episode of night sweat should be avoided for about at least 6 hours before bedtime.
Whether it’s through drinking green tea or water or exercising more, the more toxins you release, the more it will benefit you. During menopause, you need to load yourself on anti-oxidants and banish those toxins. This shift of lifestyle is necessary as your body will be undergoing many hormonal and chemical changes and only a healthier lifestyle will help it at the end of the day. Hence, the more you detox, the lesser hot flashes throughout the day and night, as you sleep.

Considering Hormonal Therapy
Since menopause is a game of hormones, considering hormonal therapy will aid you as well. Stress and fatigue levels go high during this time period and are a source of anxiety and insomnia. So to deal with sleeplessness, hormonal therapy can benefit you. In fact, most women are recommended such therapies for it helps the body adjust to the changes quicker. Just be sure to consult multiple practitioners before starting any therapy and discuss other alternate options too.
At the end of the day, menopause is a natural process and as your body swings through hormonal changes, your need to sleep well will become more crucial. Therefore, don’t hesitate to invest in a better night and a better life.

Born in Belarus, 1985, a pedagogue and family psychologist, mother. Taking part in procedures of social adaptation of the foster children in new families. Since 2015 is a chief editor of the motherhow.com project, selecting the best and up-to-date material for those, who are planning, expecting, and already having babies.