What is a Tilted Uterus?
A tilted uterus means a condition when the uterus tips backward at the cervix instead of the forward positioning. Usually, a tilted uterus appears to be inborn. That means it is an anatomical feature of the woman. However, sometimes a tilted uterus may be caused by various pathologies of the woman’s reproductive system.
Location of the Uterus
Doctors distinguish a few pathological positions of the uterus in the pelvis.
An anteflexion uterus is a uterus that is tilted forward in the abdominal cavity. This position appears normal for those women who have not got any children. Anteflexion disappears after childbirth.
Anteversion of the uterus is when the uterus and the cervix are tilted forward in the abdominal cavity.
A retroflexed uterus is a uterus that’s tilted towards the spine, rather than towards the front of the body. It is considered to be a tilted uterus.
Lateroflexion of the uterus is when a uterus is tilted to the right or left towards one of the ovaries.
What Causes a Tilted Uterus?
If it is inborn, it’s just an individual anatomical feature as a result of any irregularities in your mother’s pregnancy. Usually, it does not affect sexual function and the ability to conceive and give birth to a child. A tilted uterus does not manifest itself, you may never find out since it disappears after giving birth.
But if a tilted uterus occurs after birth, it is necessary to figure out the causes. Usually, it happens as a result of inflammation inside the pelvis. It may happen after trauma, surgery, or some other problems. Mainly it happens because of the sexual infections that are left untreated. Endometriosis, cesarean section, and surgeries of the organs in the abdominal cavity may lead to it.
Also, the position of the uterus in the pelvic area depends on the flexibility of the ligaments. The weakening of ligaments of the uterus can provoke prolapsed as well. Besides, the position of the uterus may be changed by other organs in the pelvis and diseases such as a pelvic tumor, bladder, or colon damage.
What are the Symptoms of a Tilted Uterus?
First of all, women with a tilted uterus may experience pain during menstruation, abundant discharge. In severe cases, pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse may be observed. Problems with conceiving and carrying the child can also occur. In rare cases, constipation or frequent urination takes place.
Tilted Uterus and Pregnancy
If a tilted uterus is a physiological feature, pregnancy will go normally. If a tilted uterus is caused by endometriosis, inflammation, it will make the meeting of sperm and egg rather problematic and pregnancy itself may be painful.
Diagnostics and Treatment
A tilted uterus is easily diagnosed and confirmed by ultrasound. In the case of an inborn tilted uterus, no treatment is required. Pregnancy is also not affected. If the reasons are pathological, treatment is chosen according to the causes of the problem.
Usually, if adhesions take place, a laparoscopy is done. If the tilted uterus is caused by inflammation, antibiotics are prescribed together with anti-inflammatory drugs and physiotherapy. Special exercises for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles (Kegels technique) are necessary to perform if the ligaments are weak.
Some Myths
Young mothers who have daughters are afraid of a tilted uterus that may occur if their little girls sit on their glutes too early. However, there is nothing to be afraid of. Sitting or any other position of the child cannot affect the position of the uterus. Let the child learn and develop. Basically, the tilted uterus is not dangerous and does not cause any difficulties in getting pregnant.
The tilted uterus is the state when the uterus tilts forward. It may be inborn and pathological. In the first case, it is normal. In the second case, treatment is required. Anyway, a healthy lifestyle and prevention are a road to a happy life without problems and diseases.
Born in Belarus, 1985, a pedagogue and family psychologist, mother. Taking part in procedures of social adaptation of the foster children in new families. Since 2015 is a chief editor of the motherhow.com project, selecting the best and up-to-date material for those, who are planning, expecting, and already having babies.