What Pregnant Women Should Not Eat? Unhealthy Meals

The diet of pregnant women (as well as of women who are planning pregnancy) should consist only of natural products, such as fruits, vegetables, and products that have no additives. Some of these additives, for example, E-102, E202, E122 are strongly prohibited for pregnant women.

Products Strictly Prohibited During Pregnancy:

  • Chips
  • Crab sticks
  • Crackers
  • Fast food products

Sometimes doctors help pregnant women choose the right products. The diet is usually based on the state and tests of a pregnant woman.

For example, if there is uterine hyperstimulation, beets are prohibited, as it is believed that it provokes the tone even more.

Very greasy, spicy foods can cause severe heartburn. And if you suffer from edema during pregnancy, a doctor may recommend you to exclude salt.

Sometimes the brain of a pregnant woman is mistaken and gives associations with products or objects instead of necessary substance.

If you have a constant desire to eat cheese, it means that your body lacks sodium. You want ice cream, it means you have a calcium deficiency. The desire to chew ice suggests a lack of iron.

It is obvious that the brain does not always understand which product is needed for pregnant women. So that is why many pregnant women have a desire to eat chalk, charcoal, pencils…

To eat chalk is usually a sign of iron deficiency. As well as the need to breathe in the smell of gasoline, paint, whitewash and other chemicals. So having such inclinations, a future mom should once again take a blood test and see a doctor!

Products to Avoid When Pregnant

  • Alcohol: Drinking alcohol can affect the health and development of your child.
  • Raw meat and fish: They can be a source of listeriosis (a disease caused by Listeria bacteria). This is a very dangerous disease. The mild form can lead to miscarriagestillbirth.
  • Raw eggs and milk: They may be a source of salmonellosis. This disease can lead to serious consequences in a pregnant woman and her baby. Toxic elements can pass through the placental barrier and affect the fetus. Furthermore, the treatment involves the use of antibiotics (as it is known, it is better to avoid them during pregnancy).
  • Note: There is an opinion that pregnant women can and should drink raw quail eggs. But, there are many sources that claim that quail eggs can also be infected with this infection. Therefore, we recommend you to eat only boiled eggs.
  • Mushrooms (wild): If you really want it, you can eat champignons. Wild mushrooms are a product that often leads to severe food poisoning. This warning concerns any wild mushrooms (boiled, fried, stewed, canned, salted).
  • Exotic fruits: Many of them may bring stress to the body of a future mother and her child. In particular, pineapple promotes dehydration and stimulates uterine contractions. In the first trimester of pregnancy, it can lead to miscarriage. Unripe papaya is poisonous. Watermelon and melon accumulate chemicals – you can be easily poisoned.
  • Carbonated drinks: All sodas anyhow contain carbon dioxide (CO2). They provoke belching, heartburn, bloating. It can cause digestive disorders (constipation or diarrhea). In addition, carbonated drinks provoke appetite. Therefore, it is best to drink non-carbonated mineral water.
  • Spice: Do not use too much mustard, pepper, horseradish, vinegar. The excess leads to heartburn, indigestion. In addition, it is advisable to refrain from cinnamon (in tea, coffee), because it affects the contraction of the uterus and can cause premature labor. It is also better to avoid rosemary – it can cause bleeding.
  • Ready-made sauces: such as mayonnaise, ketchup. They contain too many additives and cause thirst, as we know a huge amount of water leads to edema.
  • Fatty meats and poultry: Animal fats are digested harder. Moreover, this is an extra burden on the liver. Fatty meat and poultry contribute to weight gain. Therefore, it is better to choose lean meats (veal, beef, rabbit) and poultry (chicken, turkey).
  • Cheese: with mold, such as Roquefort, Gorgonzola, soft cheeses such as brie, camembert – they may contain listeria – a bacteria, which is unsafe for your baby.
  • Certain kinds of fish: They may contain an excessive amount of mercury that can cause severe poisoning. Kinds: shark, marlin, tuna.
  • Coffee: Do not exceed the recommended norm of 200 mg of caffeine a day (about 2 cups). It increases the risk of miscarriage.
  • Black and green tea: These drinks also contain caffeine. The norm is the same (200 mg).
  • Cocoa: No more than one cup per day. It also contains caffeine and can cause allergies.
  • Chocolate: The norm is 25-30g. Chocolate also contains caffeine, which can cause allergies.
  • Salt: In the first half of pregnancy, it can be used up to 10-12 g of salt per day, in the second half it should be limited to 8 g, and in the last two months of pregnancy – up to 5-6 grams per day.
  • Cod liver: It contains a lot of vitamin A, so it can not be used regularly. A small piece once a month is allowed.
  • Salted, smoked, dried food and products: It is allowed in small portions, once a week (100 g per week). But it is possible only if you had no problems with the kidneys before pregnancy. If so, it is best to completely eliminate this group of products.

After reading this article, you may have an impression that nothing is allowed to pregnant women. But it is wrong. You just need to have a sense of responsibility for yourself and your child. Of course, every pregnant woman chooses by herself when and what foods to eat, but your diet must be varied and nutritious because every pregnant woman needs necessary vitamins and elements.