Baby Powder: The Main Benefits and Tips on Using the Product

In the arsenal of means for the care of a newborn, there is always baby powder. Parents choose this type of children’s cosmetics differently: some of them follow the advice of grandmothers or more experienced mothers, others listen to the advice of a consultant in the store or reviews on the Internet.

But since all children are individual, each child has his own peculiarities. Therefore, always keep in mind that what is great for your friend’s child can cause an allergic reaction in your baby. That’s why you need to be careful while choosing a baby powder.


Types of Baby Powder


Powder removes excess moisture, reduces friction between diapers and newborn skin. Also, it is used to dry the elbow and popliteal fossa. The main components of the powder are mineral talc and zinc. Depending on the manufacturer, rice or cornflour and rice starch are added to it. In order for the powder not to injure the delicate baby skin, its particles are given a rounded shape.

This type of powder has an antiseptic, deodorizing, and sometimes cooling effect. The peculiarity of using the tool is that powder cannot be applied directly to the skin of a baby, as the child risks inhaling the smallest particles of the powder. Parents should first apply the required amount of powder to their palms, and then lightly distribute the product on the baby’s skin.

If a child has very sensitive skin, the powder can cause irritation, since, mixing with moisture, it forms lumps in the folds of the skin. In this case, stop using such baby powder.

Liquid Talc

When applied to the skin, this children’s cosmetic product turns into a light powder and absorbs excess moisture well. Its advantage is the creation of a thin protective cover on the baby’s skin, which subsequently does not form lumps. Liquid talc does not irritate a baby’s skin. However, it may take some time for young parents to acquire the skill of using it.

Baby Cream Under the Diaper

This is an alternative to powder and liquid talcum powder. American pediatricians strongly prefer creams, not recommending powders for baby care. The cream protects children’s skin from diaper rash and irritation, prevents the appearance of microbes, and treats the first symptoms of diaper dermatitis.

The advantage of the cream under the diaper is its easy application. However, it is important to remember that it must be renewed with a thin layer every time you change a diaper, and after washing your baby.

Good Powder – What is it?

The modern market of cosmetics for newborns is full of choices. And not only children’s oils and creams but also powders have found their place in it. Which one of them to choose to help your baby? Of course, you need to choose a quality baby powder or one that meets all your requirements. Here are a couple of tips.

So, a good baby powder is:

  • Made from natural ingredients. It is undesirable to use products that contain ingredients that are “identical to natural”
  • Does not contain fragrances and has no sharp smells, even very pleasant. Keep in mind that it is important to avoid any allergens
  • Is a homogeneous powder mixture without lumps
  • Does not contain DBP, BBP, DEP, DHP, DEHP, DIDP substances, as indicated by the inscriptions on its packaging
  • Made in a quality manner. Any mistakes in the words on its label, fuzzy printing, carelessness, lack of protective film or information about its manufacturer and shelf life are the reasons to refuse to purchase. Most likely, there is a fake in your hands!

In recent years, many people prefer to shop on the Internet. Of course, this makes sense, because, in this way, you can save a lot on each package. But such savings will be justified only in the case of the acquisition of goods in proven places.

Also, keep in mind that the use of baby powders is contraindicated in acute inflammatory processes on the skin.

High-Quality Baby Powder Means a Calm Baby

The skin of the baby is protected from the occurrence of inflammation if it calmly reacts to the powder. And this means that parents made the right choice of the first children’s cosmetics.

Possible Dangers of Baby Powders

Baby powder is an amazingly multifunctional remedy. In addition to the direct appointment – to protect children’s skin – it can be used in a variety of situations:

  • Instead of face powder
  • As a means of repelling insects
  • Sweating of hands
  • Instead of dry hair shampoo

It is quite obvious that the powder should be handled very carefully. After all, any extraneous particles caught in the eyes, ears, nose or lungs, do not bring any benefit. And if we consider that the baby powder actively draws moisture into itself, then its presence on the mucous membranes is extremely undesirable.

Therefore, the American Academy of Pediatrics strongly advises using it only in cases where it is really necessary for the child, and at the same time not allow the dusting of the powder, because the child or anyone else can breathe in this dust.


Baby Powder or Baby Cream

The truth is that even highly experienced mothers will not be able to answer this question unequivocally. Just because each of these tools has its own advantages and disadvantages, so ideally it is better to use them alternately.

What are the main advantages of the powder?

  • It dries the skin well, absorbing not only the remnants of sweat, but also the remnants of urine or feces.
  • It minimizes friction, relieves itching and soothes the baby.
  • It allows the skin to breathe.
  • It can be used in the hottest heat, as it has the effect of cooling the skin.

But with all this, the powder has one major drawback – it is not suitable for children, who too often remain without a diaper, as it quickly turns into small lumps under conditions of high humidity. The trouble is that not only do they not perform their protective function, but they can also injure delicate baby skin. At the same time, under the diaper, it works perfectly.

In turn, the cream creates a peculiar film on the body, which prevents the appearance of irritations and at the same time moisturizes. Does your baby need such moisture right now? You will understand it by your baby’s sensations and skin reactions. The main thing is to carefully look at your child and take action in time!

Baby Powder: Instructions for Use

How to use baby powder? The first and the most important rule is to use it carefully. After all, it is a powdery remedy that, with sudden movements, can dust, get into the nose or into the eyes of the baby. That is why you need to work with it, holding your hands as far as possible from your baby’s face.

Observance of simple rules will be useful:

  • Apply the powder only to the clean and dry skin of the infant in order to avoid lumps, which can later cause irritation. Moreover, it must first be rubbed in the palms, and then transferred to the baby’s skin with gentle movements. It is not recommended to rub it, as it can injure the skin.
  • After applying the powder, let the baby lie down without clothes and a diaper so that it dries.
  • It is necessary to apply the powder not only on the area under the diaper, but also on all the folds of the child – for example on the neck.
  • In case of a rash or redness on the skin, it is better to consult a doctor to prevent the development of an allergic reaction to the product. He will be able to say for sure if powder is necessary in your case.
  • A lot of powder is not always good. Apply it in moderation, as otherwise you can dry out the skin.
  • For greater effectiveness, a baby powder can be alternated with a baby cream.