Ovulation Pain – Should You Worry? Causes & Treatment

Most women of the reproductive age go through the process of ovulation every menstrual cycle. This process is painless for some while it is a challenge for others.  Those women who are not ovulating have some kind of illness or suffer from malfunction. But we will come back to this matter later. First, we need to know what ovulation is.

Ovulation Process

Every menstrual cycle is divided into two periods. During the first period, the dominant follicle is maturing until it is ready to be conceived. During the second period, the egg is released from the ovary and moves towards the uterus. The release of the luteinizing hormone takes place and the level of estrogen increases.  48 hours later is considered to be the best time to conceive a child. It is called ovulation. The day of ovulation depends on the menstrual cycle.

During ovulation, many women experience pain in the lower part of the stomach. Also, the basal temperature usually decreases during ovulation but increases a day later. Some women may notice the discharge from the vagina. Vaginal bleeding is another sign of ovulation, which can be caused by the increased level of estrogen. But sometimes bleeding may be caused by stress or sexual intercourse. A well-known fact is that during ovulation women feel higher sexual desire than usually. It is important for women to know when they are ovulating.


Should I Track my Ovulation?

The answer is yes!  First of all, it is always good for a woman to look after herself and know all the peculiarities of her health.  Knowing the day of ovulation is important for those partners who are not planning to conceive a child. They will have to avoid sexual intercourse during this period.  But it is more important for those who are going to have future children.

Why May Ovulation be Painful?

Pain may be caused by ruptured blood vessels of the follicle.  Ovulation pains may also be caused by gynecological (cystitis, mastopathy, etc) or even oncological pathologies (ovaries or cervical cancer). Sometimes appendices may have similar symptoms. If the pain in the lower part of the stomach appears with vaginal bleeding, you should consult a specialist. It may turn out to be a cyst of the cervical canal.  You should pay attention to pain (especially if it is severe or lasts longer than usual). Ovulation pain is not harmful and does not require any treatment. It’s not the pain, that should actually be treated. You may kill the symptoms, but the pain is always a signal to your brain of the dysfunction in your body and is a ground for consulting a specialist.

How to Deal With Pain During Ovulation

It depends on the intensity of the pain. If the pain is intense, taking pain relievers will be a reasonable solution.  In severe cases, birth pills may relieve the pain. Drinking a lot of liquid and resting are also recommended. It is advised to put something warm on the lower part of the stomach. It will work only if pain occurs because of ovulation!

When to go to a Specialist

There is a list of symptoms that should be taken into consideration. If the pain lasts for more than two days and is accompanied by such symptoms as fainting, high body temperature, headache, vomiting, difficulties with urinating, and diarrhea (especially with bleeding), it is better to visit a doctor.