Ovulation: the Process Description & Symptoms

Ovulation is the word that is familiar to the biggest part of women of the reproductive age around the world. Nevertheless, let’s find out what it means. Most women know that there is a particular day during the menstrual cycle when the chances to get pregnant are the highest. But not all of them know what processes occur in their bodies during that period. Usually, doctors provide women with information about ovulation. But it is better to make sure that you’re not missing anything about it.

The menstrual cycle is divided into two periods. During the first period (menstrual), the dominant follicle matures in the ovary. During the second period, the egg is released by the ovary where it enters the fallopian tube to make its way towards the uterus. Ovulation lasts for about 48 hours. It is the best time to conceive a child!

checking pregnancy

Signs of Ovulation

Ovulation occurs every 21-35 days in healthy women of reproductive age. But it may vary because of the abortion, after a natal period and after the age of 40. Some women have a higher sexual desire than usually during ovulation. One of the ovulation signs is pain in the lower part of the stomach. Another sign of ovulation is the increase of mucous excretions from the vagina and the low body temperature during the ovulation day and the increase of it the next day.

How to Make Sure that a Woman is Ovulating

The best way to find out is to take an exam. It should be done 10-12 days after the beginning of the menstrual cycle. As ovulation takes place no earlier than 14 days after the cycle begins. Ovulation does not occur if the contraceptive pills were consumed! Nowadays they are very effective. But also, they may be harmful to woman’s health.

This is another question. The easiest (but not the most accurate) way to find out is to purchase a pregnancy test at the pharmacy. The test will indicate a positive result if it is one or two days before or after ovulation. But it is necessary to take more than several times in order to make sure that the result is precise! Sometimes the saliva test may be quite helpful.

One may buy a device that will show a positive result if the level of estrogen (the female hormone) is higher than normal. It means ovulation takes place. Some women may notice an unusual discharge from the vagina. The sharp pain in the uterus is also one of the signs. Anyway, there are doctors to deal with such issues.

How to Deal with Pain During Ovulation

The process of ovulation can be painful enough in some cases. As mentioned above, the pain appears in the lower part of the stomach. The pain is usually not severe. Nevertheless, there are reasons to be worried if the pain is increasing. Sometimes other diseases such as appendices may be confused with ovulation. In such cases, it is necessary to visit a doctor.

For those who are not planning to get pregnant, the good idea is to take hormonal contraceptives. They will definitely relieve the ovulation symptoms. For those who are planning to get pregnant or who are not allowed to take those pills for some other reason (allergy or anything else), the best solution is to take any kind of pain reliever.


The Ways to Stimulate Ovulation

Some couples might try to track ovulation. There are two main reasons for doing so. Some might do so in order to avoid unexpected pregnancy (it is good for those who are not familiar with modern ways of contraception). Other couples will use this information in order to find out the best day to conceive a baby. It’s hard to believe but finding out the exact date of ovulation may influence the gender of a future child! If a child is conceived on the day of ovulation, it will most likely be a boy. If one or two days after ovulation, it will probably be a girl. Of course, no one can tell for sure.

Unfortunately, some women don’t ovulate at all. That means that they are not able to conceive in a natural way. Anovulation is often diagnosed in women, who are not able to conceive for a year or more. Also, couples over the age of 40 may face this problem. Remember: it is absolutely useless to stimulate ovulation if there is no possibility to undergo an ultrasound examination! Medical therapy is one of the ways of stimulating ovulation. A woman takes hormonal medicines.

Firstly, the couple has to take several tests including blood tests for HIV and hepatitis. The main purpose is to find out the suitable medicine and proper schedule of taking the medication. Unfortunately, there is quite a low percentage of cases when the first course of therapy gives the expected results. There are also alternative methods of treatment. Some women drink sage, aloe, or rose infusions. Of course, it should be done carefully in order to avoid side effects. It is better to consume many vitamins. Folic acid, vitamins C, A, E is the most helpful. But still, taking vitamins is an additional treatment than the main one. But you should cheer up and never give up!

In Conclusion

Ovulation is a process inside the female body that indicates that it is time to conceive a child. It has its peculiarities and sometimes it may be problematic for some women. But in most cases, it is necessary to track ovulation. Every woman should be informed about her health.