Setting up regular appointments with your gynecologist is one of the many things that help you stay healthy. Gynecologists are skilled in conducting a thorough examination to analyze the functioning of the female reproductive system. They help you deal with pregnancy, childbirth, STIs, hormonal imbalance, fertility issues, and menstrual disorders.
Since an appointment with a gynecologist is vital to maintain good feminine health, it’s important that you make the most of that appointment. Here are a few questions to ask gynecologists that may help; check them out!
Why Do I Experience Heavy Bleeding During Periods?
Since every woman’s menstrual cycle is different it could be difficult to figure out if yours is normal. Heavy bleeding could signify a number of health disorders such as menorrhagia, low iron, uterine fibroids, etc. Thus, it’s important to discuss your menstrual cycles with a specialist. A gynae will analyze your age and environmental factors to classify the bleeding as normal or abnormal.

Is My Vaginal Discharge Normal?
While it’s absolutely okay to experience white or clear discharge, any change in color, odor, or volume of the discharge should be brought to the notice of a Gynecologist as it could be a sign of bacterial or yeast infection.
Why Do I Leak Urine When I Cough, Laugh or Sneeze?
Urinary incontinence could be really embarrassing but it is one of the many problems that should be discussed with a Gynecologist. The condition can be caused by several different factors such as UTIs, stress, adverse effects of some exercise, and many more. A gynecologist correlates it with your other medical conditions to diagnose the exact cause and to treat it.
Should I Take a Genetic Test Before Getting Pregnant?
A genetic test is a kind of medical test that checks whether a partner has a possibility of passing on a genetic mutation such as sickle cell disease, cystic fibrosis, and fragile X syndrome or not. A gynecologist will examine the medical history of you and your partner to evaluate the need for genetic testing. He or she may also refer you to a genetic counselor to sort out the pros and cons.
How Do I Perform Breast Examination?
As per medical experts, a woman should self-examine their breasts every month. While examining, she should look for the appearance of a new mass or lump, inverting of the nipple, and change in the shape of the nipple as such signs could indicate breast cancer. Your gynae could guide you in adopting the right measures to do a self-examination of breasts. He or she may also calculate the risk of breast cancer by evaluating various factors such as family history, age, race, etc.
Why is Sexual Intercourse Sometimes (or Always) Painful?
Discomfort during sex or pain during intercourse may happen due to a number of reasons such as infection in genital parts, insufficient lubrication, and hormonal changes during menopause leading to thinned vaginal walls, etc. While insufficient lubrication can be treated or resolved without any medical treatment, for other medical conditions you must ask a specialist to figure out the cause.
Why is My Sex Drive so Low?
If you used to enjoy sexual intercourse several times a week but, now have been losing interest in it could be a sign of several health disorders such as high blood pressure, depression, sexually transmitted infection, fibroids, and diabetes. Specialists may perform a number of tests to identify the cause of low sex drive. He or she may also refer you to a therapist.

What are the Best Birth Control Options?
There are plenty of birth control options each with its own merits and demerits. For instance, pills are easy to consume but may cause side effects such as breast tenderness, headaches, nausea, mood changes, and low sex drive and on the other hand, the insertion of copper IUDs does not cause any hormonal imbalance but may lead to increased menstrual pain. It’s thus important to consult a specialist to know the best-suited option for you. Gynecologists hold great knowledge about contraceptives and thus can be instrumental in finding one that works best for you.
Wrapping it Up
With the growing age, females are at an increased risk of developing various health disorders such as PCOD, breast cancer, urinary tract infections, etc. It is thus important that you get the undivided attention of your gynae to get the most out of your annual check-up. Be prepared, bring your questions, give a complete medical history to the specialist, and take your appointment with a gynecologist as an opportunity to implement the changes you need to accomplish in the process of maintaining feminine health.

Born in Belarus, 1985, a pedagogue and family psychologist, mother. Taking part in procedures of social adaptation of the foster children in new families. Since 2015 is a chief editor of the project, selecting the best and up-to-date material for those, who are planning, expecting, and already having babies.