How hard is it to get pregnant? Sometimes everything in life happens not in the way we want it to. We have to wait for too long or the result doesn’t meet our expectations. And when we are able to close our eyes to a lot of such occasions, the inability to conceive is hurtful for any woman. We start looking for reasons hard. If so, let’s sort them out.
How Hard is it to Get Pregnant – Choosing The Right Time
The time when you have the greatest chance to get pregnant is called the fertile period. According to the research conducted by the Office of Research on Women’s Health (USA) in 1995, it is 6 days long: five days before ovulation and one day after. Ovulation happens every month approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle. It can be traced by the basal temperature changes in a female body. The temperature increases by 0.2-0.4 degrees immediately after ovulation.
In order not to miss the ovulation time when the female body reaches its fertile period, the couples trying to conceive are recommended to make love every other day during the period of time between the 10th and the 18th day of the menstrual cycle.
However, you shouldn’t regard the act of love as a mundane task. The process of getting pregnant should be romantic and pleasant, any psychological pressure is unacceptable. It’s better to have passionate sex a few days before the estimated ovulation date during a few months. If you find out that you can’t conceive for some reason, turn to a doctor for a consultation.
The Way to Conceive is to Abstain?
It’s been considered for quite a long time that a man should abstain from sex during a few days before the fertile period of a woman comes so that he could accumulate more semen. It is only partially true. Researches tell that the more often ejaculations occur the fewer semen remains.
How Often Should You Have Sex?
It has to be noted that the “fertilizing” capability of the sperm depends on the frequency of sexual intercourse. The more sex you have the more active the sperm is.
At the same time, a few intercourses a day have the opposite effect – the concentration of the semen decreases. Does that mean that you should make love every day to increase the odds of getting pregnant? No, not at all.
The couples having sex during the fertile period every other day conceive almost as often (in 22% of the cases) as those who do it every day (25%). But the couples who have sex only once a week have a 10% chance to conceive because they can simply miss the best opportunity to get pregnant.
Four or more sexual intercourses a week – that is a perfect pace for a couple trying to conceive. When you abstain the chances of getting pregnant become lower since the fifth-sixth day.
Is the Position Important?
Rumor has it, you have to give up some positions in order to conceive. That’s not true. Spermatozoa have tails which makes them sell extremely mobile. So, if you’re trying to conceive you don’t have to worry about the position.
You can also safely ignore the widespread opinion that after sexual intercourse you should lie on your back for half an hour with a pillow under your hips or with your legs up. When the sperm gets into the vagina millions of sperm cells rush up towards the uterus and reach it in only a few minutes. And it’s perfectly natural that a bit of the sperm leaks out of you after sex, so don’t let this fact worry you either.
Don’t Panic!
If you are trying to conceive but can’t get pregnant, don’t panic. First of all, you should remember that after you stop taking birth control pills at least a month should pass. Some women need to wait for a period of time from half a year to one year for their ovulation to return to normal.
Health professionals recommend not to worry about the absence of pregnancy for one year if a woman is younger than 30.
Don’t Drag Out the Time
If you’re older than 30 it becomes harder for you to conceive, so don’t drag out the time and consult a doctor. Here are the scheme specialists advise adhering to women who are 30-35 years of age should visit a doctor after 6-9 months of unsuccessful attempts to conceive, women at 36-40 years of age – after 6 months of trying, ladies over 40 years of age – after 3 months of attempts to get pregnant.
How Hard is it to Get Pregnant? It’s All About Staying Calm and Confident
How hard is it to get pregnant? If your efforts are futile it is most probably a psychological problem rather than a physical health issue. You don’t have enough faith in yourself and don’t believe in success? Try to understand yourself and find out what exactly you want, get rid of all the negative emotions; don’t give a damn about people gossiping and instead concentrate on the fact you’re ready to become a mother. Let this reassuring thought calm you down. And staying calm and confident will make it much easier for you to achieve your goal – to get pregnant!
Born in Belarus, 1985, a pedagogue and family psychologist, mother. Taking part in procedures of social adaptation of the foster children in new families. Since 2015 is a chief editor of the project, selecting the best and up-to-date material for those, who are planning, expecting, and already having babies.