Any pain during pregnancy is very alarming for a future mum. Right away the thoughts that this pain is dangerous for a child and there is a threat to pregnancy keep popping into the head. But remember that pain during pregnancy can be obstetric and non-obstetric, can be accompanied by the pathology, or be just a normal body response to the changes during pregnancy. So, let’s figure out what kinds of pain during pregnancy, you can experience.
Abdominal Pain in the Early Stages of Pregnancy
Perhaps these are the pains that cause most questions among future mums. And it’s no accident. The pains at the very beginning of pregnancy testify of a miscarriage threat or some pregnancy pathologies. At first, let’s define which pains aren’t dangerous and can be normal. They are called non-obstetric pains:
- The weak pulling pains on one or both sides of your stomach are most likely a sign of a sprain. But more often they occur at the end of the first trimester than at its beginning.
- The habitual stabbing pains can be an intestinal spasm.
If the pains don’t change for quite a long period of time and even intensify, necessarily consult a doctor to avoid an obstetric pathology. The strong pulling pains in the early stages of pregnancy can be a threat to an incipient miscarriage.

Pains in the Case of a Miscarriage
A spontaneous abortion has several kinds depending on its stage: a threatening miscarriage, an incipient miscarriage, and an inevitable miscarriage. A miscarriage that has already happened can be complete and incomplete. Let’s discuss these kinds in more detail:
- A threatening miscarriage is accompanied by weak pulling pains, incrementally strengthening; heaviness in the abdomen; and a backache. There is no bleeding or a very small amount of it during a threatening miscarriage. This pain is very similar to ordinary menstrual pain. That’s why the girls who don’t know about their pregnancy don’t pay attention to such discomfort and bleeding. And in this case, the probability of a miscarriage is very high, but it’s still possible to save the pregnancy if you consult a doctor in time.
- The pain during an incipient miscarriage is cramping, quite strong, and is accompanied by bleeding like during menstruation. It’s more difficult to save the pregnancy at this stage, the embryo usually dies. It’s enough to do an ultrasound to diagnose it.
- An inevitable miscarriage is followed by strong, cramping pains and severe bleeding. It’s impossible to save the pregnancy at this stage.
- You can notice the continuation of strong pains and bleeding during an incomplete If a future mother enters this state, the infection can get into the uterus. In this case, a woman needs an urgent operation and the unborn child can’t be saved.
- The pain gradually fades and the bleeding becomes less abundant during a complete But ultrasound is necessary for the verification of a complete miscarriage.
Pains During an Ectopic Pregnancy
You should also know the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy as it can be even more dangerous for a pregnant woman than a miscarriage. So, what pains accompany an ectopic pregnancy?
- Spasms and stabbing pain. It can exacerbate any strain or sneezing and cough.
- Backache can also go with an ectopic pregnancy. Although such pain itself doesn’t tell of ectopic pregnancy.
Urgently call an ambulance in the case of the symptoms mentioned above, because it’s yet possible to save your future baby!

Pulling Abdominal Pains not Connected with Danger during Pregnancy
Usually, the pulling pain in the lower abdomen in the second and third trimesters can be a sign of a sprain. The ligaments keep the uterus in the right position and are constantly straining because of its growth. This pain can increase because of laughing, coughing, or sneezing.
Another reason for such pain during pregnancy can be inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. That’s why you should pass all the tests during pregnancy.
Remember that abdominal pain during pregnancy can have a non-obstetrical character. It can be caused by, for example, appendicitis, bowel problems, or pancreatitis. Discomfort in the stomach and intestine is also very often a reason for the pain. It can also be abdominal distension because the pregnant often suffers from constipation and flatulence. An overflowing intestine and attempts to go to a toilet can induce cramps. So, it’s very important not to enter this state and to take laxatives in time. But don’t take the drugs based on herbal laxatives, as they have an abortive effect. The best means to relieve this pain is a correction of your diet. Include beet and kiwi into your diet and try to drink more plain water.
Abdominal Pains in the Final Stages of Pregnancy
The pain during pregnancy can have different natures and causes in the final stages. Thus cramping and incrementally increasing pains can tell you about the threat of premature birth. Go to the hospital immediately in this case!
The aplacental tear can be a no less serious cause of pain. It occurs mainly because of overstraining of a pregnant woman, weightlifting, or late pregnancy toxemia. The pain is usually sharp and severe and is accompanied by bleeding in this case. It is necessary to call an ambulance because the life of a future mother and her baby can be saved only with the help of a cesarean section!
So, it’s an obvious fact that some pains will bother almost every future mum. But some women seldom feel it while others suffer from the pain during the whole period of pregnancy. The main thing is to notice any dangerous changes in your state of health in time and not to self-medicate. Inform your doctor about the state of your health on a regular basis, and everything will be okay!

Born in Belarus, 1985, a pedagogue and family psychologist, mother. Taking part in procedures of social adaptation of the foster children in new families. Since 2015 is a chief editor of the project, selecting the best and up-to-date material for those, who are planning, expecting, and already having babies.