The terms when pregnancy symptoms start are individual for every future mother. There are women who start feeling very much pregnant the morning after the conception, and sometimes baby’s first movements become the only clue.
If you want to have a baby and have been trying to conceive for a long time you can “feel” pregnancy symptoms every month. You are constantly reading literature about pregnancy, participating in threads on forums, visiting blogs on the topic – of course, every time it seems that you’re definitely pregnant. And here you feel nauseous, can’t stand your husband, crave salty foods, are unusually moody, and there are dragging pains in your lower abdomen. You must be pregnant! But then another period begins.
And sometimes a breastfeeding woman doesn’t feel anything unusual and has no period because she nurses her child. She really does think so until another little one lets her know they’re coming with not so delicate movements.
These are the extremities, of course. So, let’s speak about an ordinary, average woman who is able to adequately estimate her own condition.
Frankly speaking, the most trustworthy first pregnancy symptom is a missed period. Everything that comes before a delay may turn out to be just your imagination. A lot of women believe they have early pregnancy symptoms because they can’t wait to become pregnant or misinterpret their PMS.
The changes in your state of health after the conception that you’re able to notice give only a small probability that you are pregnant. If you are sick the morning after unprotected sexual intercourse it’s not a pregnancy sign but most likely fear or desire to give birth as soon as possible.
When Do Pregnancy Symptoms Start?
The first pregnancy signs and symptoms before a missed period usually begin about a week before your period is due.
The ovulation happens 14 days before your regular period is due. It is the 10th-18th day of the menstrual cycle, depending on its length. It should take one day for the sperm to fertilize the egg: a zygote is formed and starts dividing, and then begins its journey to the uterus. As it passes through the fallopian tube it doesn’t have any connection with the mother’s organism yet. It doesn’t influence the mother’s body – that means there can’t be any pregnancy symptoms at the time.

So, When Do Pregnancy Symptoms Begin?
A week after the fertilization the developing zygote reaches the uterus. At that time it resembles a raspberry formed by two layers of cells with a cavity in the middle. The outer layer of cells produces substances that melt the endometrium inside of the uterus so that the embryo could implant into its wall. The implantation process may be accompanied by minor bleeding. The light pink excreta should stop in one day. Some women believe it’s a very short period that has abruptly stopped.
Since the implantation, the embryo and the mother’s body form a connection. This is the time when early pregnancy symptoms begin, and an expectant mother is really able to notice something. As a rule, it’s a week before the usual period is due (but it won’t come because of pregnancy).
The period of time when the first pregnancy symptoms after the conception start, but the menstruation isn’t due goes unnoticed by the majority of women. Only the most perceptive suspect pregnancy, though the possibility of a mistake is high – most of the symptoms are similar to premenstrual syndrome.
The implantation causes hCG to enter the mother’s bloodstream. This hormone, in turn, induces the production of progesterone – the main pregnancy hormone that keeps the developing baby safe. As a result, the implantation of the embryo means that its mother’s body should be going through a huge hormonal storm. That storm is still gaining strength, but it can already be the reason for early pregnancy symptoms.
Besides the aforementioned implantation bleeding there is a possibility for a future mother to experience the following pregnancy signs:
- Breast sensitivity: it becomes tender and a bit larger in size, there can be a drop of the colostrum, the nipples change color
- Morning sickness
- Mood swings
- Fatigability, weakness
Remember that all these symptoms can indicate PMS, so there can be a mistake.
You can speak with confidence about pregnancy only when you stop menstruating. The time when you find out your diagnosis for sure has almost come, just wait for a bit longer! It’ll take no more than a few days!

Born in Belarus, 1985, a pedagogue and family psychologist, mother. Taking part in procedures of social adaptation of the foster children in new families. Since 2015 is a chief editor of the project, selecting the best and up-to-date material for those, who are planning, expecting, and already having babies.