Ovary Pain: Nature, Types & Possible Causes

What Causes Ovary Pain? Ovary pain is a common reason for visiting a specialist. It can be caused by pathological or physiological processes. Pains can be different as well as possible diseases.

The pain can appear for a long period of time or appear once or twice under certain circumstances. It can be acute or barely noticeable. The pain may appear regardless of age, pregnancy and may be caused by inflammation or hormonal changes. Sometimes the pain may be caused by bladder or intestine diseases. Nowadays the pain in the ovaries is caused by psychological factors such as depression or hysteria. Such factors prove that there is no place for self-treatment when it comes to gynecological diseases. It is highly recommended to visit a specialist! Only proper therapy may guarantee the future well-being and reproductive health of a woman.

Causes Related to the Menstrual Cycle

Many women experience pain in the ovaries during the particular phases of the menstrual cycle. Most of those pains are not dangerous and are known as ovulation pains in medicine. During the first day of the menstrual cycle, pains of a different intensity may be observed. In fact, those pains occur in the uterus, not in the ovaries. It is connected with the rejection of the internal membrane of the uterus.

Also, pains may be caused by ovulation. Ovulation is the sign of the normal functioning of female inner organs. During ovulation, the egg is released by the ovaries and travels through the fallopian tubes to the uterus. The process is accompanied by slight bleeding. The ovulation pain has some typical features:

  • It appears in the middle of the menstrual cycle
  • It lasts no longer than a couple of hours
  • Pain is experienced on one side

Sometimes the pain may occur after ovulation and before the beginning of the menstrual cycle. It may appear on the 16th day of the cycle and sometimes can be accompanied by spotting. The egg is replaced by the corpus luteum. Its function is to produce progesterone. The low level of progesterone may cause pain as well. Pain can also appear at the beginning of the cycle. It may indicate such diseases as a cyst or consequences of stress.

Pain During Sexual Intercourse

Usually, a healthy woman does not feel any pain in the ovaries during sex. But if you experience pain, it may be a symptom of genital diseases. In rare cases, causes are connected with the physiological peculiarities of the woman.

There are some factors that may cause pain:

  • Infections and inflammation of female genitals
  • Ovarian neoplasms
  • Cysts
  • Pelvic adhesions
  • Small production of vaginal secretion
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Deep penetration during sex
  • Vaginismus – a condition that affects a woman’s ability to engage invaginal penetration

Pathological Causes

The inflammation of ovaries. Inflammation, as a rule, causes pain. It may be acute or chronic. But the main manifestations are pains, reproductive system problems, and menstrual cycle violations. In severe cases, the body temperature increases. Oophoritis is characterized by constant and intense abdominal pains which spread to the lower back, abundant discharge, and acute pain during sexual intercourse. The high body temperature may take place. The inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes is called adnexitis. The symptoms are similar to oophoritis.  Without treatment, these diseases may become chronic. Symptoms may become less intensive. They may lead to infertility.

Cyst: It represents the cavity where liquid accumulates. Sometimes women find out that they have a cyst by chance, as it does not reveal itself for a long time or reveals slightly. It causes discomfort during sexual intercourse, tension in the abdomen, and the menstrual cycle can last longer. The main danger is a sudden rupture of the cyst. In that case, a woman may feel sudden acute pain, vomit, and even faint.

Ovarian endometriosis: The disease requires a long-lasting treatment. It is characterized by the overgrowth of the tissue, similar to the endometrium, in tubes, peritoneal cavity, and ovaries. The disease manifests itself when the growth is extensive. It is characterized by abundant and painful menses, pain that spread to the lower back and rectum. The cycle is violated and the urination becomes painful.  Endometriosis leads to adhesions and infertility if left untreated.

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome: is often a side effect of hormonal treatment for infertility. The ovaries increase in size and a big amount of follicular cysts are formed inside of them. Stomachaches are one of the symptoms. But they are similar to abdominal distensions. Also, weight gain, dyspnea, and rare toilet visits may be observed.


Pains Related to Pregnancy

If the woman does not experience ovary pain earlier, she won’t experience it during pregnancy. It is connected with dysfunction of the ovaries during gestation. However, pregnant women feel pain in the lower stomach but they are caused by the change of inner organs’ location and pressure on the ligaments of the uterus. The pain may be observed in the early stages of pregnancy. The pain in one of the ovaries during the first trimester of pregnancy may indicate the presence of the corpus luteum cyst.

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This condition is not dangerous but may cause discomfort. With the development of the placenta, the corpus luteum disappears and the woman does not feel pain. It occurs on the 12th or 14th weekMiscarriage causes pain as well. Miscarriage is accompanied by a huge loss of blood and pain in the sacrum and in the stomach. The overall condition may get worse, so it is necessary to go to the hospital if the symptoms appear.

In Conclusion

Pay attention to your health. Feel free to visit a doctor if there are objective reasons. The proper treatment will bring back comfort into your life and avoid any complications.