Sex During Pregnancy. Is it Healthy?

Got pregnant? Have a partner? Yes, you can have sex during pregnancy. For the first three months no limits. Just don’t go hard on the 4th, 8th, and 12th weeks. It’s when your period should be.

“One should remember that pregnancy in the first trimester is very vulnerable. The 4th, 8th, and 12th weeks are particularly dangerous: it is the time the periods are supposed to be outside of pregnancy. The probability of miscarriage also increases to the time of interruption of previous pregnancies, these days it is recommended to exclude sex.”

Just keep in mind the following restrictions and consider your own feelings. If you don’t feel like having sex anymore – talk to your partner. It’s not over, it’s just hormones at some stages of your pregnancy that may kill your libido. During the last trimester, the “doggy-style” becomes routine, I must say. You look massive and let’s admit it – there’s not so much sex in it. Some partners are afraid to hurt the baby during sex! However, the baby is well-protected against sex. Sex is natural and humans take advantage of it even during pregnancy.

No More Strict Prohibitions For Sex During Pregnancy

“Earlier rather strict prohibitions were imposed on sex during pregnancy. It was believed sex could hurt the baby and abort the pregnancy, provoking a miscarriage. However, the results of scientific researches in the field of sexology, family psychology, obstetrics, and gynecology suggest otherwise. A harmonious sexual relationship in a pair, who are expecting, is not just harmless, but on the contrary, contributes to the establishment of trust between the spouses, emergence of a gentle, soothing atmosphere in the family. Of course, pregnancy brings amendments to the usual relations between spouses in bed. For each pair the changes brought into their sex life by pregnancy, are unique. We can only describe the general trends. Therefore, consulting obstetrician, leading your pregnancy at such an intimate question is obligatory.”


Women About Sex During Pregnancy

“My sex demands have increased during pregnancy – I actually felt like I was more attractive. But after the belly would started to grow my self-confidence was not that up-high anymore. So I liked sex for giving me the idea of not having lost my sex appeal. It may become the reason for depression eventually.”

Doctors About Sex During Pregnancy

“From the point of view of physiology, there are no specific benefits of sex for pregnant women. Exceptions – the last weeks of pregnancy (starting with 37-38 weeks), when the sex life may provoke the induction of labor. In general, naturally, it was not provided the fertilized female had sex. That is why many women during pregnancy face the fact that they have reduced or completely stopped the allocation of natural lubrication (secret). Another thing is that the sexual life during pregnancy helps the expectant mother feel attractive, desirable, to feel a close emotional bond with her chosen one. And since the peace of mind, confidence, and loyalty of her husband are extremely important for a pregnant woman – sex certainly has benefits – psychological. The endocrine system of a pregnant woman is functioning differently, hormones changes. Of course, this affects the desire of the future mother to have sex – it can go off-scale, or, conversely, come to naught.

Psychological Aspect of Sex During Pregnancy

However, the decisive importance in this regard is still a psychological factor. It is very important how a woman sees the prospect of her future motherhood, and how much the baby is desired. For example, if a woman has not been able to get pregnant, or she had a miscarriage in the early stages, missed abortion, it is likely that sex is perceived as a threat to the pregnancy.

A major role in relation to a woman to have a sexual relationship is given to the atmosphere in a family. The emotional coldness of the man, his indifference to the particular situation of the wife, quarrels, and other conflicts can easily cool the ardor of a sexy wife. If understanding prevails in the family, the woman feels unconditional support and gets enough attention from her husband, pregnancy usually does not worsen (and sometimes even improves) the intimate life of a couple.”

When Is It Better To Abstain

I’ll just leave the list of the reasons not to have sex during pregnancy and we’re done:·

  • If confirmed the threat of miscarriage, as well as if the previous pregnancy (one or more) ended unsuccessfully;·
  • The cervical incompetence of the cervix diagnosis;·
  • Placenta previa (high risk of placental abruption and subsequent bleeding);·
  • If any unusual vaginal bleeding or copious;
  • In a multiple pregnancies (doctor may refrain from making love after 28 weeks).

HEY MEN, I have a word to say: please, don’t be afraid to have sex with your pregnant wives. Even if they got fat and became unattractive. Your women should feel loved. And the love of the man, a father of the child, is so much expressed with a sexual relationship. Later your wife will turn into her shape, even better shape than before pregnancy, but now she is not her own. She is going to have a baby. You both are going to have a baby. So just keep in mind – she may become very suspicious. Even if she refuses to have sex with you – you should not give up the attempts. Thus, she would know – she is your best in her every condition. And the pregnancy will be as flawless as it may be.

I wish you a lot of good sex with love.