Now you are in the middle of the seventh month of pregnancy. The 28th week – this is the third trimester. You have not so much time until birth, and you still need to be prepared for this event. Many mothers are still working, although some ailments make you think about your coming maternity leave. It is really not so far.
You still live a normal way of life, but it does not mean that you do not need help. Being 28 weeks pregnant, you should not do anything dangerous and tedious: do not carry heavy bags, do not hang curtains and laundry – do not keep your hands up for a long period of time.
Your baby is as big – As a lettuce

LENGTH- 14.68 in – WEIGHT- 1.95 lb
Fetal Movements
Your baby’s movements are quite strong – a fetus is active at this stage of pregnancy. Mommies can clearly feel and even see the movements of the baby. Sometimes the belly moves to the right side, and then, on the contrary, to the left. If you are 28 weeks pregnant – fetal movements are inevitable! This situation will go on up to week 32 of pregnancy. Then the baby will be cramped in the uterus, and he will become not so active.
So by this week, you have gained about 9 kg. This increase still allows you to be quite active, though, you feel a little awkward. You have become accustomed to many ailments. Some suffer from heartburn while others don’t even know about heartburn, nausea, and back pain.
Fetal Weight
Your baby has already become quite big, he has learned to blink and feel the sweet and sour taste.
However, your baby still does not have any taste preferences. In most cases, he agrees with his mother. So if a mom is a fan of hot sauces and seasonings – the child involuntarily gets used to them.
Fetus on the Twenty-Eighth Week of Pregnancy
Your baby has become stronger. And you certainly feel it because he pushes maybe even painful now. The baby moves less during the day, but he can even “rage” at night. It happens due to the fact that: your movements calm him down during the day. So he prefers to sleep.
Many kids had already taken the correct position. However, if your child did not do it, do not worry, he still has time to turn over.
Children born at 28 weeks are already viable. And though their odds are not so great, today’s medicine is more confident in nursing such babies.
28 Weeks Pregnant Belly Pictures
Check out what the bellies look like at the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy.
No Fears and Worries
Most often, at this stage women are no longer afraid of premature birth and complications. The bigger part of the way is passed, an expectant mother is psychologically ready for the best outcome. And the idea that the maternity leave is coming encourages her.
An appointment with a psychologist will be a good decision. It will help to cope with fears and worries, and maybe will allow you to see the new wonderful paints of this wonderful state.
Do You Stick to a Healthy Diet? Keep Going!
If your doctor sees that you have edema, he will advise you to change the drinking regime. How exactly – decide on the basis of his personal recommendations. Salt intake is minimized. Try not to eat pickles, spicy salads. If you follow a healthy diet from the first days of pregnancy, no exclusions or limitations can frighten you.
Steamed vegetables, fresh fruit, dairy products, beef, cereals, fruit drinks, and bottled water: all these are the simple menu components that you need!
28 Weeks Pregnancy Ultrasound
If you are Rh-negative, you will be sent for a blood test, which will help to diagnose, if there is Rh incompatibility.

An ultrasound is performed only on special indications.
Weight Gain Has Changed Everything
Your weight has changed, and so has your body and gait. Wear nice clothes in size and do not wear tight clothes, which can make you and your baby feel uncomfortable.
Do not forget about oils to prevent stretch marks or to avoid any unnecessary problems with the skin of the abdomen. Delicate, gentle body care is a must now.

Born in Belarus, 1985, a pedagogue and family psychologist, mother. Taking part in procedures of social adaptation of the foster children in new families. Since 2015 is a chief editor of the project, selecting the best and up-to-date material for those, who are planning, expecting, and already having babies.