Pregnancy Nausea: When Does it Start and How to Ease It?

We all know that morning sickness (or nausea) in pregnancy – is one of the most common signs of pregnancy. Why does the body of the mother react to the presence of the fetus as a poisoning element?

When Does Nausea Start

In most cases, a woman bearing a baby does not pay any attention to any discomfort. But sometimes unpleasant phenomenon within 9 months of waiting may be nausea. Nausea during pregnancy appears several times. However, it may not appear at all. Experts can not say exactly when you will have nausea during pregnancy and whether it appears at all. It all depends on the characteristics of the female organism.

Nausea in the First Trimester: Timeline

In most cases, the first sign of pregnancy arising in the morning is nausea. The vomiting of a pregnant woman begins in the fifth week of pregnancy. Pregnancy nausea lasts up to 13 – 14 weeks. If you carry twins, nausea can be tightened to 15 – 16 weeks.

Nausea in Pregnancy: Causes


The question of why there is a sickness in early pregnancy has a fairly simple answer. The body perceives your unborn baby as something alien that harms your health, so he tries to get rid of it, as in the poisoning of the body, and cleans himself through vomiting. That is, when there is the implantation of the embryo, he begins his fight against your body for a place in it. Kid tries to resist, but his body pushes.

Nausea in early pregnancy can occur from food, the smell of her husband’s perfume, shaving foam, from the smell of food, the taste of toothpaste. This is due to the fact that all the feelings of a woman are aggravated and work harder than usual during pregnancy. You have to endure it and there is no sense to fight with it.

Is Nausea in Early Pregnancy Normal?

Nausea in the first weeks of pregnancy can happen only in the morning on an empty stomach. A woman can feel vomiting the whole day but not vomiting, and in some cases, vomiting can happen the next day. The norm is considered if the food is not perceived by the woman up to 5 times per day. At this time, it should not occur other ailments, such as weakness, dizziness, weight loss. If vomiting occurs, you cannot forget that it dehydrates the body, and drinking a huge amount of water is necessary.

Deviation from the norm (when you need to see a doctor) is considered vomiting that occurs more than 10 times per day. It is the average degree of toxicity. In this case, the weakness is accompanied by vomiting, lethargy, weight loss, fever, and pressure reduction. This toxicosis is treated in a hospital under the supervision of doctors.

The high degree of toxicity (severe nausea during pregnancy) is considered to be vomiting up to 20 times a day. In this case, the body is very dehydrated, and the woman loses up to 3 kg per week. The high degree can be treated only under medical supervision.

Second-Trimester Nausea

Sometimes at the beginning of the 4th month of pregnancy in women persists nausea. This phenomenon is not terrible and dangerous if the doctor says that the fetus develops normally, you do not have any more ailments and you vomit not often. In most cases, in the second-trimester nausea may persist, but the vomiting stops. It happens because the body is “reconciled” with the presence of someone else. The hormonal storm begins to subside and everything falls into place up to childbirth.

Nausea can also be because of a large amount of acetone in the blood that has accumulated in the body to fight with an embryo. Medical treatment is necessary to carry out to derive the excess acetone.

If morning sickness during the second trimester keeps going and still causes some discomfort, then be sure to inform your doctor.

Third-Trimester Nausea

The cause of nausea in this period is that the baby puts pressure on the internal organs of a prospective mom. Especially when it clatters the liver, the body is perturbed, and this is manifested by nausea, heartburn, sometimes pain in the stomach.

The more dangerous phenomenon can become a disease, such as preeclampsia. This is another name for late toxicity when there is oxygen deficiency.

This phenomenon is always accompanied by other symptoms:

  • High blood pressure
  • Sizziness
  • The appearance of edema
  • Geadache
  • Pain in the upper quadrant

When preeclampsia occurs in violation of urinalysis, it is possible to detect a protein. That is why the tests in the last weeks of pregnancy should be done each week.

Nausea on the 40th week of pregnancy may be a conventional display of late toxicoses. It also can say that the beginning of the uterus has started to open and the labor pain is coming soon.


When to See a Doctor?

The fact that you suffer from nausea, you must inform the doctor-gynecologist at the scheduled scans anyway. He should decide whether you need to go to a hospital.

Nausea and Vomiting During Pregnancy

If vomiting occurs more than 10 times a day and this is accompanied by weakness, dizziness, diarrhea, fever, lethargy, then treatment must follow immediately. In this case, you can even call an ambulance if it happens on a holiday or weekend, for example.

Nausea and fever, diarrhea, weakness during pregnancy can tell you about intoxication caused by food poisoning. This can cause an indelible mark on the development of the child. Poisoning requires immediate cleansing of the body with the help of doctors. Only a specialist can decide how to clean your body without harming the child.

You can go for long walks in the fresh air, the breath of sparkling mineral water, tea with lemon, herbal decoctions of mint, valerian, calendula, yarrow to reduce pregnancy nausea, the air in the room where you work and sleep should always be fresh to decrease the times of nausea.

A good remedy for nausea during pregnancy can be the renunciation of greasy, hot, and spicy foods, which provokes vomiting. Avoid having constipation. You also need to give up everything that makes you feel sick (odors, foods).