The most interesting and happy time is coming. At this time, it’d be better for you to enroll in a childbirth preparation course. Such courses are opened at the majority of maternity welfare centers.
What Happens to the Mother?
Your belly becomes well-rounded and this affects your bearing. The load on your back muscles and spine increases. The amount of your blood is still growing. Some mothers have got anemia – lack of hemoglobin in their blood. In 90% of cases, the cause of it is the shortage of iron. Sometimes anemia is caused by the poor inflow of vitamin B12 and folic acid into the organism.
Due to the movements of the baby, the mother feels tightening in her uterus. Don’t be scared – these are so-called practice contractions or Braxton Hicks contractions. They are “teaching” the uterus how to contract and relax, prepare it for childbirth. They are usually brief and completely painless.
In the sixth month of pregnancy, the skin of your abdomen may itch – it becomes dry as a result of stretching. It’s time to use specific creams for stretch marks.
Some of the expectant mothers suffer from bleedings from an anus. They are not a threat to the pregnancy. The usual reasons are hemorrhoids and cracks in the rectum. Hemorrhoids appear due to the varicose veins in the rectum and constipation. Cracks and varicose veins of the rectum can be bound up with constipation, but you should consult a doctor with any of the above-mentioned symptoms.
During this period, future mothers begin to move awkwardly, clumsily. Distractions, weakening of ligaments, and retention of water in the body are the reasons for ataxia (coordination difficulties).
How is the Baby Developing
- At the beginning of the second half of pregnancy, the weight of the baby is about 0.66 pounds. It gains 0.02 pounds of weight per day now
- The length of the body is more than 10 inches now, the length of the hand – 0.8 inches
- The baby grows prettier; the formation of subcutaneous fat begins
- The nails are almost completely formed. The bones and joints become stronger
- In the 23rd week growing in length gives place to gaining weight
- The face becomes marked, eyebrows and eyelashes are clearly visible
- The neck becomes longer
- The passive immunity is formed due to immunoglobulins coming through the placenta of the mother
- The baby swallows amniotic fluid – the substances contained in it serve as nutrition for the growing organism
- The intestines contain meconium (rudimentary excrements)
- Sometimes the little thing hiccups
- The formation of two sections of the brain – the middle section and cerebellum – comes to the end. By the end of the sixth month, the brain weighs about 0.2 pounds. The convolutions of the brain become visible, they continue improving and deepening
- From time to time the baby sleeps and dreams. During its wake, it likes to listen what’s going on in its mother’s organism and the outside world
- The liver is functioning and storing up glycogen; the red bone marrow and the spleen are occupied with hemopoiesis (production of blood); digestive system and kidneys are working. Only the lungs remain underdeveloped
- At the same time, the fetus begins to make constant respiratory movements
Visiting a Doctor When You’re 6 Months Pregnant
Since this moment, it becomes necessary to visit a gynecologist at least every other week. During your visit, the doctor will listen to the baby’s heart with the stethoscope. Such a procedure will be held during the rest of the pregnancy and childbirth.
The doctor may prescribe you a complex of vitamins and minerals including iron, folic acid, B12, copper, molybdenum to prevent anemia.
At each checkup in the 6th month of pregnancy, the doctor measures your weight, monitors its increase, measures the fundal height of the uterus, controls arterial tension, adds necessary alterations in your diet. The doctor will recommend you the right abdominal support.
The doctor may offer you to do monitoring of arterial tension – its measurement during 24 hours. If the doctor diagnoses toxicosis he can recommend your hospitalization. He’ll definitely examine your limbs to check if there are any swellings or varicose veins.
Tests in the 6th Month of Pregnancy
- Measurements of weight and blood pressure
- Urine tests for protein and sugar
- Listening to the heart of the fetus
- Measurement of the fundal height of the uterus
- Measuring of the size of the uterus and determination of the position of the fetus during external examination
- Examination of limbs for swellings and varicose veins
- Discussion of the questions and problems with the future mother
Cases to Consult a Doctor
- If you don’t count 10 movements of the fetus per hour this can signify a problem with the baby. You should feel on average 10 movements every 10 minutes. But if you don’t count 10 movements during an hour lie down and rest after drinking some milk or eating something. Then try to count again
- If you suffer from bleedings from the anus from time to time. Sometimes this is a sign of serious disease
- If your experience 5 or more uterus contractions per hour
- With excretion of blood from the vagina
- With painful urination
- With acute or prolonged nagging pains in the abdomen
- With acute or continuous vomiting
- If you suffer from nagging pain in the lower back
- With the sudden bursting of the waters
- If you feel heavy pressure in the lower pelvis
Tips for a Future Mother
- Try to avoid body positions which put heavy pressure on your legs. At least one time a day raise your arms and legs while lying in bed and shake them energetically – it’ll help to remove pain, weariness and to deal with swellings. Take vitamin B6. If you’re still experiencing pains in your limbs consult a doctor: maybe acupuncture will help.
- If you’re bothered with spasms in your shin muscles do the following exercises: remove your clothes from the knee, slowly bend the knee and toes and lift your leg up towards the nose. Repeat. You can also stand on the cool tile bathroom floor a bit. Try self-massage, local warming and you’ll find out what helps you.
- Try to avoid constipations to prevent hemorrhoids, sleep on your side – this position will relieve your rectum from the pressure of the uterus. Avoid sitting or standing in the same position for a long time. Kegel exercises on a regular basis can help.
- Take medications or suppositories only on prescription.
- If you feel scared of the childbirth or you’re worried, try not to take it to heart. Read everything about childbirth. This will help you to calm down. But the best decision is to join a course for future parents together with your husband. Then you won’t even have the time to worry.
- Sleep at least 8 hours.
Possible Discomforts
- Whitish excreta from the vagina
- Pain in the underbelly caused by tension of the ligaments supporting the uterus
- Itching skin of the abdomen
- Pains in the lower back
- Constipations
- Excessive appetite
- Heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach
- Recurrent nosebleeds, bleeding gums
- Spasms in the muscles of the lower limbs
- Swellings of the feet, hands and face
- Varicose veins of the legs and rectum
6 Months Pregnant Belly Pictures
Check out what the bellies look like in the sixth month of pregnancy.
6 Months Pregnant Ultrasound
20-24 weeks of pregnancy – recommended period for a 2nd-trimester ultrasound. Time to check the fetus for physical abnormalities. Examination of the placenta and amniotic fluids. The size and activity of the baby are examined according to the term of pregnancy.
Born in Belarus, 1985, a pedagogue and family psychologist, mother. Taking part in procedures of social adaptation of the foster children in new families. Since 2015 is a chief editor of the project, selecting the best and up-to-date material for those, who are planning, expecting, and already having babies.