11 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms, Ultrasound, Fetus Development

The 11th week of pregnancy is the time when the first trimester comes to an end, toxemia “retreats”, and an expectant mother starts feeling the growing uterus.

The external changes are still unobtrusive, but a woman’s body has already adapted to the new state. Early fears have gone away; an expectant mother has become more emotionally stable being 11 weeks pregnant.

Your baby is as big as – A LIME


LENGTH – 1.20 in – WEIGHT – 0.13 oz

11 Weeks Pregnant: Signs and Symptoms

Perhaps mood swings have not left you. Do not be afraid of this. Hormones do their job, so emotional leaps are usual.

Try not to blame your hormones, control your emotions, be patient and prudent. Do not let yourself overwork, heavy loads – are stressful for the body of a pregnant woman. Learn how to relax; this is a useful skill.


In most women toxemia ends by the 11th week of pregnancy. But if it does not happen, do not worry. Yes, morning sickness can last until the 14th week, or even longer, but it will have less severe symptoms. Often toxemia is replaced by heartburn and constipation. Hormones are the main reason for it. But not every woman has these symptoms.

Most pregnant women may notice a slightly increased tummy, just above the pubis. No wonder that your jeans are not fastened, and low-rise clothes have become less comfortable. And though the uterus has not yet moved beyond the pelvis, you may have feelings of a growing belly. This period is still at risk, so if you have low back pain or stomach ache it is better to consult a gynecologist.

There is enhanced vaginal discharge. There is nothing to be afraid of: probably, it will not leave you until the end of your pregnancy. White discharge with a slightly sour smell is considered to be the norm. Small discharge from the nipple is also considered to be the norm, do not touch it and do not try to squeeze it out – it’s colostrum.


11 Weeks Pregnancy Ultrasound

Your doctor can send you a blood screening test. The screening test consists of three-dimensional ultrasound and a blood test. This is a required analysis that can detect abnormalities in fetal development – or rather, the risk of their development. The procedure is safe and does not affect the baby and the mother’s health.

If during the process of the examination some disturbing factors were established, a future mother should consult with a geneticist. But the screening data are not a sentence, it is an occasion for a more detailed examination.

The first screening is conducted in the 11-12th week – it’s the best time to set the exact time of pregnancy. The purpose of an ultrasound is pregnancy assessment, identification of multiple pregnancies, the measurement of the collar space of a fetus.

Fetus on the Eleventh Week of Pregnancy

Your child has grown up. The size of your baby can be compared to a large plum.

It develops very rapidly:

  • It can lift the head
  • Grasping motions have appeared
  • The alimentary canal is being formed
  • The genitals begin to be formed
  • A fetus already knows how to respond to external stimuli
  • The movements of a fetus have become more distinct

11 Weeks Pregnant Belly Pictures

Check out what the bellies look like at the eleventh week of pregnancy.


Being 11 weeks pregnant, you should keep a healthy, balanced diet. Be sure to include in your diet porridge, cottage cheese, fruit and vegetables, beef, greens, nuts, vegetable oils (preferably raw).

Do not overeat, or you won’t be able to avoid heartburn and constipation. Eat small portions every 3-4 hours. You should abandon fatty, spicy, fried, smoked foods. Drink plain water, fresh juices, and fruit kompotes.

A Woman’s Body

You may notice that your nails have become more brittle, or you are losing hair. Unfortunately, it is hard to defeat, when the child is born, everything will come back to normal.

But you also may have the opposite situation: you can see that your hair has become thicker, and their growth has increased. We recommend you not to dye hair during pregnancy: hormonal changes in the body can affect the outcome, and the result will be unpredictable.

It is time to use oils (e.g. olive) against stretch marks for later you will regret the lost time. However, the appearance of the stretch marks depends on the inner reasons and the proper care should be provided to both – the skin and the inner organs. Proper nutrition and weight control may prevent those common signs of the increased belly.