3 Weeks Pregnant – Signs, Symptoms, and Embryo

Now you are 3 weeks pregnant. This crucial week transforms your pregnancy from the stage of “planning” into real existence. If fertilization has not occurred at the end of the second week, the third week – is the most favorable time for conception. In theory, ovulation should occur on the 12-14th day.

The 3d obstetric week of pregnancy – is an extremely important period, because this is when active development of the fetus starts together with the migration of the egg, which aims to get into the uterine cavity as soon as possible and permanently settle down there, attaching to the wall.

In addition, the 3d week of pregnancy (obstetric) – is a period of division of the fertilized egg, consequently, an expectant mother can become pregnant with twins and sometimes triplets. Of course, even one baby – is a great joy for parents, and multiple pregnancies – is double or even triple happiness for the whole family, though it causes some difficulties and requires careful medical supervision.


3 Weeks Pregnant: Signs and Symptoms

There are no strongly marked changes in the body at this stage, but many moms can observe some symptoms, which are in many ways similar to the symptoms of PMS. Being 3 weeks pregnant, some women may have slight discharge, which is not dangerous either for the mother or the fetus. Therefore, the symptoms of pregnancy are often confused with coming periods.

Being 3 weeks pregnant, women often observe the following symptoms: dizziness, drowsiness, nagging pain in the abdomen, slight swelling of the breasts.


The gestational age is still very small, just a few days. During this period an expectant mother doesn’t feel any changes happening. However, some women say that they feel the moment of the birth of a new life. Perhaps these feelings are caused by a continuous expectation of the first signs of pregnancy if it is planned and long expected. But many expectant mothers do not even know about their situation up to 5-6 weeks.

What is Happening Inside of You?

The 3rd week of pregnancy – is the first week of the life of your fetus. After the ovulation, the egg had only 24 hours to meet with sperm in the fallopian tube. If this does not happen in time, it will lose the ability to fertilize.

Therefore, the most significant event of the 3rd week of pregnancy is considered to be fertilization itself. In the early days of this week, the zygote is still in the cavity of the fallopian tube, which is not yet attached to its wall. It continues its ongoing movement towards the uterus. As for the fetus, it is fed with the proteins, released by the glands of the fallopian tubes, and with its own energy reserves. Having moved into the uterine cavity and having got into its inner shell, the embryo begins to plunge into the uterine wall, into the endometrium layer. This process is called implantation. If everything goes well, by the end of the third week the embryo is firmly anchored in a favorable and nutrient environment – in the endometrium layer, and from this moment the durable and multilateral relations between the mother and the fetus set.


3 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound

At this stage, it is possible to determine the uterine pregnancy using a transvaginal probe. Therefore, such early ultrasounds are done just to establish the fact of pregnancy. During the procedure, the doctor may also identify a number of symptoms that can threaten your pregnancy.

Fetus on the Third Week of Pregnancy

At the third week of an obstetric pregnancy, your future kid is still quite small. It’s just a group of cells that carry important genetic information.

However, the process of formation and development is already underway. When you are 3 weeks pregnant, the fetal size will resemble a hollow ball with a diameter of 0.1-0.2 mm, the cell number will increase to 250. At the third week of pregnancy, the embryo is placed in a tiny water pouch, filled with amniotic fluid. It still receives nutrients not from the woman’s body, but from the yolk-sac. The process of hematopoiesis is going on there.

3 Weeks Pregnant Belly Pictures

Safety – First!

The 3d obstetric week of pregnancy – is one of the critical moments of its course. For a week after the ovulation, it is very essential to guard yourself against stress, fatigue, and strenuous exercise, so as not to put an incipient life at any risk. It is also important not to take potent drugs, particularly antibiotics that are contraindicated.

At this stage, the internal organs of a fetus are being formed. Therefore, it is important to protect yourself from any negative factors in the first days of pregnancy.